Monday 14 December 2015

Week commencing 14th December 2015

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the reading event last week - the children had a great time and hopefully it has given you lots of ideas for different opportunities for reading around the house. This week we have been reading Harvey Slumfenburger's Christmas Present by John Burningham and the children have been discussing what Harvey's present might be. To support this we have a class Christmas box and each day something different is in it - the children have debated whether they think the contents are a good present or not and given reasons why. This has fed into their end of term writing assessment where they have all written about one of the presents independently. We are also completing end of term maths assessments and the children have been completing different maths activities each day to consolidate the learning covered so far this year. There are a few events to remind you about this week: Tuesday 15th 1:30pm - 3:30pm is the open afternoon, which is a good opportunity for the children to show you what they have been doing this term. Tuesday 15th 6:00pm - 7:30pm - schooll disco for Years 1 & 2. Entry costs £2 and includes a drink and a snack - no further money is needed for this event. Wednesday 16th is Christmas lunch day. There will be no school packed lunches or jacket potatoes on Wednesday, so please ensure that if you did not order the lunch in advance your child has a packed lunch from home. Thursday 17th is our Year One trip to Norwich Castle Museum - all children will need to bring a packed lunch from home with them and should be wearing their Garrick Green uniform. No spending is needed for the trip. Friday is Christmas Jumper Day and all staff and children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper in exchange for a £1 donation for Save the Children. Finally, we would like to wish you a happy Christmas and see you all when school reopens on Tuesday 5th January.

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