Thursday 28 September 2017

Week beginning 25th September

This week in English we have been reading the story Superworm by Julia Donaldson. The children have worked hard creating costumes for superworm, retelling the story and writing about what makes Superworm a hero. 

In maths we have been learning how to write simple number sentences for addition and finding the answers by counting. We will be showing you lots of great ways to practice addition and subtraction at home next week in our maths event.

Please remember that we have our year 1 trip next Monday 2nd October. Please remember to send children in with their packed lunches, a water bottle, rain coat and wearing normal school uniform. They will not need their book bags on Monday and they do not need any spending money. Children need to be at school normal time and will be back at school ready for home time.

Our maths event is next Tuesday 3rd October in the school hall and starts at 2pm. Please join us in the hall for a range of exciting activities for you to enjoy with your child. If you are unable to make it we welcome relatives and family friends. 

The first year 1 parent information session is Tuesday 10th October with Mrs Dewing.

We are sorry to mention this so early but we will be holding our annual Christmas card exhibition on Wedneday 11th October from 3pm and Thursday 12th October from 830-9am. These will be in your child's class and is a great opportunity to stock up on Christmas cards and tags designed by your children!

Thursday 21 September 2017

Week beginning 18th September

This week is English we have continued looking at the story The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. We have talked about the characters and discussed whether we think they are heroes or villains. We then discussed what sort of things make the Gruffalo a villain and the children all practiced writing this.

In maths we have been practicing counting accurately and recognising numbers. As part of home learning you could go on a number hunt- what numbers can you see and where? You could look at house numbers, car number plates, road signs, shop labels.

We thought all of the children looked super in their hero costumes this week. We have taken pictures of them and will be using these to name and label different parts of the body as part of our topic. 

Please remember to send children in with a named coat and water bottle every day. Also please remember to bring in an extra PE kit if your child is doing an after school club OR bring their kit back in every day.

Our school trip to the castle will be Monday 2nd October. Children need to wear normal school uniform for this and bring a rain coat.

The library van will be visiting next Wednesday 4th October during school hours. Please remember to bring in library cards or speak to a member of staff for a form. 

Over the next few weeks children will be coming home with word lists. These are common exception words which the children need to be able to read and spell. There are five sets of words altogether. It would be great if the children can practice reading and writing these a couple of times a week and be recorded in their yellow reading books.

Children may also be bringing home phonics homework. This will be the sound(s) they have learnt or revised and a list of words which contain these sounds. It would be great if the children can have a go at reading and writing words which contain these sounds. Remember there are also lots of great games and apps you can use at home such as...

Thank you for all of your help and support at home.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Week beginning 11th September

Welcome to the year 1 blog. We hope you all enjoyed the summer holidays and are now getting back into the school routine.

This week in English we have been reading and listening to the story of The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. We have been on our own Gruffalo walk in the woods where we met the snake, owl, fox and Gruffalo! We have talked and written about what we have enjoyed the most this week.

In maths we have been looking at 2D shapes such as circle, square, rectangle and triangle. We have been on a shape walk around the school and also created our own shape pictures.

In year 1 PE will usually be on Tuesday and Wednesday. If your child is attending an after school sports club please bring in an extra kit or remember to bring it back in to school. Please remember to have long hair tied up and tape for those children that wear earring as these need to be covered up.

Next Thursday 22nd September we have a dress up day where we would like all of the children to dress up as their favourite hero. This is optional and the children are welcome to come in normal school uniform. Costumes do not have to be bought and can be home made!

Please remember to send your child to school with a named coat and named water bottle every day.

All of the children have settled in well and we look forward to an exciting year ahead.