Wednesday 26 September 2018

Ahoy my hearties!

We had such a treasure-filled day of excitement at Time & Tide Museum yesterday. All of us had lots of fun and enjoyed learning about pirates. 

There are lots of fun pirate themed things to do on CBeebies

In our English lessons we are writing about our trip. It can be hard to remember to use all of our writing skills when we have so many ideas to share. Your children are trying to use:

  • capital letters for the start of sentences
  • capital letters for the start of names
  • finger spaces
  • full stops
  • spell using their sounds
  • spell "tricky" words

This week in PE we carried on learning how to use the space in the hall safely. We used beanbags to throw and catch. Please remember that long hair needs to be tied up and earrings must be covered or removed. 

Our number of the week is three. We have been thinking about what is one more, what is one less, where it sits on a numberline, what it looks like on a dice etc. 

We have begun looking at addition and subtraction, using dominoes to help us.  There are some great games to play online like the mental maths train here

Please come along to our Year 1 Maths Event on Thursday 27th at 2.15. We are looking forward to seeing you and giving you some ideas for enjoying Maths activities with your child. 

If you have any questions, do come and see one of the Year One Team!
Captain Prophet & Pirahana McRayfield

Friday 21 September 2018

We have had another wonderful week in Year One. Our text this week has been Superworm by Julia Donaldson. First of all we used some playdough to make our own Superworms. (Thank you Sandra Tink for our pink playdough!) Then we designed little capes for them to wear. The children enjoyed using their drama skills in the hall to explore the characters and main events. They used these skills to help them generate ideas to write sentences about the story.
Image result for superworm

On Fridays we go to the school library to share a book by our focus author. This half term it is… Sue Hendra. Do you have any of her books at home? Last week we read Supertato. What will the book be this week? Do you have a favourite book you would like us to share?

Image result for evil pea

This week’s maths has been focussing on counting objects reliably and ordering numbers. Why not have a go at this game?

Image result for ordering number cards

In PE this week we started by warming up our bodies by playing a very fast paced game of Copy Me Do. Then we practised our throwing and catching skills. We learnt how to throw a beanbag underarm for a partner to catch. We all spread out along the hall and tried to throw and catch as many times as we could with our partner.

This week in Music, Lindsay did a song about pirates to help get us even more enthused for our trip to Time & Tide!

On Fridays, we send home a Talk Homework. It is an image for you to discuss with your child or as a family. This week we are also sending home your child’s home learning book. It has some resources in for you to use with your child if you wish. This book is for your child to use if they would like to practise any of their skills and new learning at home.

In the blog, we will always try to give you some ideas for activities you can do at home together based on the learning from each week.
So here goes…
·       Make your own Superworm with playdough. Ask an adult to help you measure how long it is.
·       Draw a new idea for how Superworm can help other little creatures
·       Play a board game such as Snakes & Ladders to help practise your maths skills
·       Help prepare your pirate outfit for our school trip
·       Go to the library and look for a book by Sue Hendra
·       Practise throwing and catching a beanbag or ball in your garden or at the park
·       Download one of the Superworm activity cards for ideas:

We look forward to seeing some of you at the Year One meeting with Mrs Dewing on Monday. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to come and see us if you have any questions or comments.

Image result for happy weekend

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Hello & welcome!

It has been a wonderful start to the school year and the children have impressed us by how well they have settled after the summer break.

In English, we have been enjoying exploring the book The Gruffalo. We made stick puppets of the mouse from the story and took them all on a stroll through the deep, dark wood! Lindsay has been teaching the children a song about the Gruffalo too.

This is a lovely website to explore together:

In Maths, we have looked at our number of the week... 1. Can you think of anything there is only 1 of? What is 1 more? What is 1 less? Can you remember how to spell the word for 1?

Why not play on this website together?

We also made a graph to show which our favourite characters are from The Gruffalo.

In Topic, the children did a knowledge harvest to see what they already know about pirates. Our topic is called... Shiver me Timbers! We are looking forward to our school trip. Please make sure you have returned all of your forms. Thank you!

This week, we will start our PE lessons. Each child needs a PE bag containing shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of plimsoles or trainers. If your child would like to wear their team colours to show that they are in Snowdon, Scafell Pike or Ben Nevis, then they are welcome to wear the correct coloured t-shirt. Children with long hair need a hair band for P.E and a roll of micropore tape is needed by those with earrings, so that they can be taped over for safety reasons.

If you have any questions or comments, do come and speak to one of the Year One Team.