Tuesday 29 September 2015

Week commencing 28.9.2015

This week we have continued with our theme of Superworm in English. The children have been writing about their chosen superpowers and working towards meeting their writing targets. We have also been looking at the correct formation for letters b, p, g and q in handwriting. In maths we have been recapping on how to count accurately both with physical objects and groups of objects on paper. As part of our topic work the children will be learning how to sketch and will create a self-portrait. We apologise for mentioning this so early but the children have also started to create their own Christmas cards. In Year One we are creating ICT pictures using 2paint. There will be an opportunity to look at and order the Christmas cards on Monday 12th October. Please remember to sign up for the parent information sessions with your class TA either before or after school. Wednesday 7th October 9am Monday 12th October 2pm

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Week Commencing 21st September 2015

This week we have started reading Superworm and have been acting out parts of the story. The children have chosen their own superpower and what how they would use it, and they have made superhero/supervillain capes to represent their powers. As the week progresses they will be writing sentences with a focus on beginning with a capital letter and the use of finger spaces. We have also been looking at the correct formation for letters i, l and t. Our maths and topic work have combined this week as we have been looking at eye colour. The children have completed three different bar charts to measure the number of people in the class with brown, blue, green or grey eyes in each class. We have made a human bar chart where the children have represented their own eye colour; a visual bar chart on the floor using coloured paper to represent their eye colour; and used the 2simple software to create a bar chart. We have then analysed the information to see which was the most common eye colour, which was the least common and how many more brown eyes there are than blue or green eyes. The children are looking forward to showing you what they have done so far at the open afternoon this Thursday - we hope to see you there.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Week commencing 14th September 2015

In English this week we are continuing our focus on the Gruffalo. The children will be looking at different ways to improve their work by using individual targets. They have also looked at sequencing the story and how to create a story map to show the order of events. In maths we have been practising the days of the week, counting on and back in 1s and 2s and exploring the properties of the number 2: whether it is an odd or even number, what number comes before or after it and how to spell it. In our topic we are learning about the human body. We will be playing lots of games, singing songs and the children will be labelling pictures of themselves. Just a reminder that our open afternoon is next Thursday, 24th September 1:30-4pm where the children will be bale to show you what they have been up to so far this year - we look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

week ending 11th September 2015

Welcome back! We are delighted to welcome all of the children into year one for the start of what will be an exciting and fast paced year. Over the last week the children have settled well into their new classrooms and we have been spending time getting to know them all. We started our new topic 'Ourselves' this week and the children went on a walk around the school to identify things that are alive and things that have never been alive. In English we have been reading the Gruffalo and going on our own walk through the deep dark woods to see who we might meet. Alongside this we have been completing early assessment on phonics and maths so that we can being teaching these areas at the right level and not repeat any work they may have done previously. P.E. started this week with dance and some of the children will be representing the school at the Norfolk Headteachers Conference later this term to showcase their work. More on this to follow... There is an open afternoon on Thursday 24th September where we will be available to talk to you in more details about how your child has settled in and they can show you what they have been up to so far this year.