It's Children in Need day tomorrow: to raise money we will hold a non-uniform
day (spots, fancy dress, whatever they fancy) and will charge £1.00 per child.
This is optional.
This week in our topic work, the children used clay to make their own coins so they could have some treasure like the pirates! They explored different ways the clay can change shape e.g. bending, twisting, pinching, squashing. They learnt to handle tools safely and effectively to snip, cut, make marks etc.
In our English lessons, we have been using a new text. We are learning about the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood. We watched a version online:
Oxbridge Baby Little Red Riding Hood and compared it with the books we have of this tale too.
We have...
- listened to different versions
- shared our ideas and predictions
- acted out the story
- made puppets to retell the main events
- drawn WANTED posters for the wolf
- learnt to write an exclamation sentence such as What big ears you have!
Watch out Little Red Riding Hood... There are wolves about! |
In Maths we have been describing the properties of 3D shapes and spotting the faces that are 2D shapes e.g. spotting the circle face on a cone or the 6 squares on a cube.
We have been using feely bags and socks to describe the shape we can feel without being able to see it e.g. I have no curves. I have 5 faces. 2 of my faces are triangles. My other faces are rectangles. What am I?
It was a triangular prism!
Like this! |
On Friday we are having an RE day. We are learning about belonging. e.g. what it means to belong, groups we belong to such as Garrick Green School or Rainbows or Cubs.
Our new author for this half-term is..
Oliver Jeffers
Do you know any of his books? Why not watch:
How to Catch a Star
Have a lovely weekend (when you get to it!),
Mrs B & Mrs Prophet