Tuesday 9 January 2018

8th January 2018

Welcome back to the first full week of Spring term.

This week in English we have been reading the traditional tale Hansel and Gretel. The children will be sequencing the story, writing sentences and thinking about what makes a good sentence. As part of your home learning encourage the children to retell you the story.

In maths this week we will be recapping addition and subtraction and how to find the answer using a number line. We jump forwards to add and backwards to take away.

We are really fortunate to have Bryony from Slanted Dance in this term to teach the children a space themed dance. This week the children learnt some moves to help them travel into space and created rockets in small groups. P.E. for this half term will be on Tuesdays.

Our topic for this term is Out of this World - a topic web will be sent home in book bags with more details. If you log on to Purple Mash there are some different activities on the 2do section for your children to complete. 

Each week in phonics the children learn a new sound (some times two) and we try to send home the sound with some example words each week. Please practise these with your children and see if they can spot the sounds within words. This can be recorded in the yellow reading record.

We encourage the children to choose their own reading books from their book band so that they can select books which appeal to them. Children are expected to read five times a week and this can be a variety of things including phonics, tricky words and books from home but please make sure that they are reading their book banded book regularly.

Dates for the diary....
- Pantomime: Wednesday 10th January for those who have purchased tickets
- Year 1 Maths Event: Wednesday 17th January 9am-945am in the school hall
- Library van: Wednesday 17th January
- Year 1 trip: Tuesday 23rd January- please return permission slips ASAP!

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