Tuesday 7 June 2016

week beginning 6th June 2016

We are glad to see that the sun has decided to put in an appearance for the last half term of this year! This week is out last International Week of the year and we have been learning all about Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. The children have studied the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio and have used their art skills to create their own representation of this in clay and drawing. In Geography we have been comparing our homes in the UK with the Brazilian favela style building, including how much more compact Rio is as a city. Our English lesson have taken us to the Rainforest where we have learnt about the habitat and environment. The children have then created their own fact-sheet about and aspect of the Rainforest they found interesting. They have also been practicing their handwriting and spelling by writing sentences about Brazil. For maths the children have been on a tour of some of the places encountered between Norwich and Rio (Stopping at: Norwich, Paris, Dakar, the Atlantic Ocean and Rio) and have completed a maths challenge based on their learning this year at each stop. In music we have learnt about Samba bands and the children have been creating their own Samba music in preparation for Friday's carnival. We have also been fortunate enough to have two different dance workshops this week and the children will have all experienced Capoeira and Brazilian dance in their PE sessions by the end of the week. On Friday we will celebrate all of the hard work that has gone into their new learning with a Garrick Green Rio inspired carnival. The children are invited to wear bright clothes (but no fancy dress costumes please) on Friday and they will be creating head-dresses during the day. Can we remind everyone to ensure that their child has a full PE kit at school every day - we will be using the best of the kind weather to get outside and practise our sports day skills as often as possible, not just in our timetabled slots.

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