Wednesday 18 March 2015

Week ending 20th March 2015

This week is National Science Week so we have collapsed our usual timetable to set up, and take part in, some exciting science experiments. The focus has been on developing the observation skills of the children and they have been discussing the experiments, making predictions on what might happen, reviewing the outcomes once they have completed the experiment and seeing how close their predictions were. We have also looked at any misconceptions and shown the children how to correct these - an example of this is that sugar dissolves in water, it does not disappear and that this process could be reversed in the right conditions. Our Science Week experiments have been: Electricity and making circuits; observing objects that float and sink and how their properties can be altered to change the result; dissolving sugar into warm and cold water to see where each reached saturation point; air catchers to design an effective parachute; and ice blocks - exploring the properties of ice. We have also been completing end of term phonics and maths assessments and our gymnastics sessions have continued by revisiting and developing out moving and rolling skills. We are now into the swing with our guided reading and we endeavour to read with each child at least once a week as part of a small group as well as individually. Please speak to one of us if you would like more information about this.

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